Tyrefix needed to better understand the relationship between job location and fitter based on calls received and entered into the Tyrefix CRM system. Tyrefix needed to see who was the nearest fitter available to that job, taking into consideration their current workload.
Trackitnow needed to data mine the existing DOS based back office system for call logging information and merge it with the live tracking data to give all of the relevant information on one screen, saving desk space and removing the need for double entry data between two separate systems. Huge speed and efficiency gains led to increased capacity with existing fleet stock, removing the need to undertake unnecessary fleet expansion.
"We made the existing fleet work more efficiently and the cap-ex savings went straight to the bottom line"
Tony Etheridge, General manager
PDA mobile workforce and remote job management - bespoke cap-ex development costs and monthly billing:
Trackitnow were asked to provide a end-to end bespoke mobile PDA service to Tyrefix, providing call logging, job card, form completion, photo and signature capture, that enables captured job information to be returned to the back office system OTA (over the air), for either direct to print or emailing of the invoice to the customer.
Following a thorough scope and evaluation process, Trackitnow provided Tyrefix with a full budget and time frame for the coding and development of the system.
Tyrefix paid for a proportion of the development costs for the system and then continue to pay a simple monthly license fee for each user connected to the system.
A complete working system was developed and delivered initially under 6 weeks, on time and under budget, and further refined and further extended in functionality over 12 months.
Other features include vehicle daily checks, PPE compliance and on-board stock control.
Reliability - On and Offline:
Data integrity is maintained using a collect-store and forward approach. The seamless sync between Tyrefix`s PDA and smartphone devices and the Trackitnow server means that the whole process is touch-less from the clients point of view.
"Our productivity through efficiency and the reduction of idle and standing time is up by over 35% and our fleet running costs have reduced by over 15% in the same time frame by using the Trackitnow systems. The guys at Trackitnow understand what we need to do to make the system integrate and work with our existing 3rd party back office call logging systems and the live status and instant feedback is fundamental how we operate and provide our service to our customers."
Tony Etheridge - Tyrefix UK
- PTO connection to air compressor on board and Beacon lights
- PDA integration system extras
- PDA Integration - Mobile workforce
- work-slip and form completion
- POD (proof of delivery) signature capture
- Photo capture